Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sam's 2nd Birthday Party

This year we did an airplane theme for Sam's birthday party because he has always liked pointing out airplanes when they fly overhead.  And, of course, we had to throw a little Mickey in. :)  We had family over to celebrate, and we are so blessed to be able to celebrate another year!  Can't believe my baby is 2!!

Sam won't eat anything sweet except pie crust.  So I made him airplane pie crust, which he didn't touch because it didn't look like regular pie crust :)

Propeller marshmallows

The kids at dinner - minus Henderson

There's Henderson, but you can't see Merrill's face -- so I put both pictures :)
Singing to the Birthday boy

Blowing out his candle--with a little help from Daddy :)

Trying to get him to try an airplane pie crust; obviously, didn't work

Sam, Brady, Madison, Macey, Henderson, Emery, Tori, Merrill

Opening presents

Finally eating some regular pie crust from Grandaddy.

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