Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Trick or Treat?

 Halloween night, we had Trunk or Treat at church.  But before we went to church, we were at Mimmy and Pops' house and a bumble bee and ladybug stopped by!

Big Al or Tigger?

Macey can't keep her hands off of Sam...STILL :)

Macey, Sam, Madison

There's the full Tigger
Pops and Mimmy with their favorite bugs and Tigger

My brother was so sweet to capture these pictures while we were trying to get ready for a family picture :)

I guess it takes 3 people to get Sam ready :)
Sam wanted David to be Piglet and me to be Pooh.  I am feeling a little guilty that we didn't appease him, except that I unintentionally wore pink stripes like Piglet.
Alice in Wonderland (Tori) and Batman (Brady)
As you can see, we did a terrible job of taking pictures at Trunk or Treat.  Maybe next time!  Happy Halloween (a little late!)

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