Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Sam!!

Sam turned 2 today, and I can't believe it!!  The other day I asked David how Sam could already be two, and he said that it seemed like a lot of days had gone by :)  I know that the days have gone by, but they flew by!  Everyday with Sam is so much fun.  He is trying to talk a lot more instead of using signs for everything.  He usually tries to repeat several new words everyday.  Today in the car the song, "Deep and Wide" was on and with no one saying anything, he out of nowhere sang, "deep and wide"; the more he did it, it turned into "wide and deep".  We had a fun day with cousins, and can't wait to celebrate with more family this weekend. 

Birthday lunch at Chickfila with cousins--we missed Tori who was at school!

At two:
Weight: 26.25 pounds (43 %)
Height: 35 inches (64%)
Still a HUGE momma's boy
Still not a fan of school/Sunday school
Signs most things; saying more words
Over the last week has become a good eater
Favorite foods (at the moment): Bananas, grapes, smoothies, cheese
LOVES balls: hitting, kicking, throwing
Loves playing with balloons

Sam chose his outfit; he looks 5 not 2 :(
He has wanted to wear a crab shirt all summer.

Silly Sam

Had to give the sign to Jeffrey the Bear since you couldn't read it in Sam's hands :)

Looking way too big and old!
 Everyday is so much fun, and David and I are so thankful for our sweet, happy little boy!

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