Thursday, May 24, 2012

Visit to Patsy Ruth's

Mother's Day weekend, Sam and I went with Mimmy, Pops, Jenny, and M & M to visit Patsy Ruth.  It's always fun to visit her, and I think she enjoys our visits, too.  We took her to the mall to shop, and she told me we could come back every other month to take her shopping if we wanted to. :) 

 As always, we took advantage of the shopping in Atlanta, and below is what happens when Pops is left with the kids while we shop.
 They had a blast!  But I have to admit I wasn't real thrilled considering it was about 60 degrees and we had a 4 1/2 hour ride home.

But after getting some dry clothes the kids were ready to go!!  So cute holding hands on the way home :)

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