Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lemonade Stand

Friday Sam and the girlies had their first lemonade stand.  If we are really honest, I'm not sure we can say Sam did much, since he slept all of it except the last 30 minutes. :)  Anyway, we were doing it to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis, and we had an awesome turn out.  Jenny's house is a very good location, and we did it when Percy Priest was getting out of school in hopes of catching the crowd before they got to the Purple Cow.  Anyway, we had a good time.  We decided to pack it up when there were no more kids helping, so it looked like some adults were having a lemonade stand. :)

 Macey and Madison holding up some signs as cars drove by

 By the time Sam got there, the kids were really hot, and these were the only kids willing to pose.
Emery, Merrill, Madison and Sam

 Sam holding one of the signs

After the lemonade stand, we went to David's church league softball game.  Sam really enjoyed his blow pop!

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