Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sam's Sign Language

Sam has decided to make up his own signs instead of talking, so we decided we should document them.  Here are Sam's signs. (Please ignore the terribly messy room in the background!!)


 "Just a little bit"

He used to say "milk", but now he does this.

 "Yo-Ho" --his favorite song

"Shoot" the ball 

 "Me", especially when he doesn't want to do something


"One more time" or "one more minute"-- which this week he has started doing when I tell him to stop doing something.

 And his latest tricks--showing his muscles (we are working on making fists)


 Pops taught him defensive stance

And this was what he was doing by the end of us asking him to do all of his signs :)

I am realizing that part of the problem might be that I use my hands a lot when I talk.  But hopefully, he will start talking more by the time he starts school in the Fall, or I might have to teach his teachers his signs for communication. :)  Actually, over the last week or so he is trying to talk more.  He says "bye bye" all the time; he is actually trying to say words that start with d and g, not just b, m, or p.  He tries to repeat David when he says "gracias", and he is finally trying to say "Daddy". 

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