Saturday, August 18, 2012

Big Boy Bed

We are making the big move tonight to the big boy bed.  The crib is down so there is no turning back!

Sam's new bedroom arrangement

I think he will have plenty of room :)

His first nap was a success!  He went to sleep like normal, and we had to wake him up after 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Not ready for a picture yet.

Ready for his first full night in the bed.

Sam LOVES looking at his Bibles during the day and at night.  Let's hope that sticks!!

He likes to find the matching stories and pictures.
I can't believe he is already big enough to change to a normal bed.  Time is going too fast!!

Update 8/22/12: I am nervous about posting an update because last time it resulted in 2 terrible nights of sleep, but I am happy to report he has switched to his big boy bed without a hitch.  :)

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