Thursday, April 19, 2012

Silly Sam

It's hard to believe that Sam will be 19 months next week! He has developed a big personality, and he is very silly.

At 18 months:

Very picky eater - mainly cheese and some form of bread

Bananas are the only fruit he will eat right now

He calls most people "Ma", except Pops, Bobo, and Brady

He has made up his own sign language, therefore he doesn't say many words

His words are ball, bye bye, hi, whoa, bonk, milk (sometimes; he just usually puts his finger in his mouth to ask for milk)

He communicates well even without words

Claps his fists together to say "yo, ho" (the pirate song)

He is very bossy

He is a good sleeper, usually 8 to 7 or 8

Takes 2 to 2 1/2 hour naps

Loves being outside

He was watching David mow the grass outside, and I looked over, and he had his bare belly on the cool glass

Eating a banana like a big boy

Eating his waffle with no hands

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