Monday, April 2, 2012

Catch Up...

Once again I have gotten behind on posting, so here goes trying to catch up a little...These pictures are from February. Sam has been obsessed with his belly button for a while now. Madison said on her own accord that it was his "lovey." I think he is slowly getting over it.

His hand is never too far from his belly button!

Sam discovered the vacuum, and he can open the closet door and pull it out. If only I felt comfortable with him plugging it in and using it :)

In early March we went to Huntsville for a shower for Haley and Hudson. Being the great photographers that we are we got zero pictures of the actual shower, but here are a few we did take from the weekend.

Enjoying a smoothie with Beth and Michael

Thinking about sharing with Kipton

Touching Kipton's toes

Grandma Lilly and sweet Kipton

Hopefully, I will get Disney posted soon!

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