Friday, November 11, 2011

Spinach Anyone?

You might be wondering how I get him to eat spinach...I sneak it in noodles :) Sam is 13 1/2 months old, and he is doing new things everyday. He can take 5 to 10 steps on his own, but still prefers holding a finger. He has become a very picky eater, therefore, most of his diet consists of some sort of starch (bread, pasta, cracker), fruit and milk. As you can see above I have to get creative to get some veggies in him. He started pointing at things with his little pointer finger. He likes to give kisses and blow kisses. He says "yaya" for yes, and shakes his head for no. He has 6 teeth, but from the looks of his pajamas this morning, I think he might be getting more. :) He still loves to play with balls the best, and loves going to ball games.

Can't imagine life without him!!

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