Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fall Pictures

The girls and Sam have matching pumpkin outfits, so we had a little photo shoot. Unfortunately, Tori and Brady didn't have one to match, so we will have to do a photo shoot with them soon. Also, Nat took some pictures of Sam recently, that when I figure out how to download them, I will post. She did a great job. But for now here is Sam and the girls. Beware there are LOTS of pictures.

I like how the girls are looking at two different people with a "what are you doing" look :)

Love Mace's face

Look at Madison's fake smile :)

Sam thought something was funny!

Sweet cousins


This is Sam's "look what I did" face

Love Maddie Leigh's sweet face in this one!

Moved the shoot to Mimmy's couch

Look how Sam is looking at Madison

Macey had had enough!

In the middle of all the pictures we celebrated Daddy's and Nennie's birthdays!

The Birthday Girl

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