Friday, November 11, 2011

Spinach Anyone?

You might be wondering how I get him to eat spinach...I sneak it in noodles :) Sam is 13 1/2 months old, and he is doing new things everyday. He can take 5 to 10 steps on his own, but still prefers holding a finger. He has become a very picky eater, therefore, most of his diet consists of some sort of starch (bread, pasta, cracker), fruit and milk. As you can see above I have to get creative to get some veggies in him. He started pointing at things with his little pointer finger. He likes to give kisses and blow kisses. He says "yaya" for yes, and shakes his head for no. He has 6 teeth, but from the looks of his pajamas this morning, I think he might be getting more. :) He still loves to play with balls the best, and loves going to ball games.

Can't imagine life without him!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Trunk or Treat

Sam was Dumbo at Trunk or Treat this year, and to my surprise he wore his hat the whole time. We have a "ham", so to get him to wear the hat I told him to go show everybody, and he kept it on. Go figure.

Dumbo and Peter Pan

And Tinker Bell too.

And off to get candy. Do you think the hat was maybe a bit cumbersome?

He even carried his own bucket.

When he got tired of getting candy, he decided to hand it out to the other kids :)

Want some?

Sam and his buddy Noland

Sam had a good time. And even though he was Dumbo, we had several questions and comments about Big Al :)!!

Fall Pictures

The girls and Sam have matching pumpkin outfits, so we had a little photo shoot. Unfortunately, Tori and Brady didn't have one to match, so we will have to do a photo shoot with them soon. Also, Nat took some pictures of Sam recently, that when I figure out how to download them, I will post. She did a great job. But for now here is Sam and the girls. Beware there are LOTS of pictures.

I like how the girls are looking at two different people with a "what are you doing" look :)

Love Mace's face

Look at Madison's fake smile :)

Sam thought something was funny!

Sweet cousins


This is Sam's "look what I did" face

Love Maddie Leigh's sweet face in this one!

Moved the shoot to Mimmy's couch

Look how Sam is looking at Madison

Macey had had enough!

In the middle of all the pictures we celebrated Daddy's and Nennie's birthdays!

The Birthday Girl

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Watson's Halloween Party

October 24 we got to go to Hollis and John Houston's house for a Halloween party. We had so much fun!!

Dumbo, not too sure about his outfit :)

Beautiful Belle and "Stow White" (as Macey calls her)

We love Disney characters!!

These two are very big buddies :)

At the party

I don't think he wore the hat at all at the party.

All the kiddos

Sweet cousins

Thanks for a fun day Kim, Hollis, and John Houston!!

Patsy Ruth

A few weekends ago, Sam and I went to Atlanta with Mimmy and Pops to see Patsy Ruth. She enjoyed seeing Sam, and it is always good to see her.

This was about the best picture I got of them because...

Sam wouldn't look...

then neither one would look...

then Pat wouldn't look. It's hard to get a one year old and 80 something year old to look at the camera at the same time :)

Mimmy and Pops dropped us off in Huntsville on the way home to meet David for his birthday celebration there. Apparently all we have to document his Huntsville birthday is...

Sam eating corn on the cob for the first time.

He really thought he was big stuff!

More Birthday

I finally got some pictures that Jenny took from Sam's birthday party. She captured some things we didn't, so here are a few extras.

The birthday boy after he woke up from his morning nap. Yes, he was asleep when the party started :)

Humpty Dumpty smash cake

The dessert bar

Cousin shot minus Henderson

The Church side of the family

(Someone took a picture of the Rosenblum side too, but I still don't have a copy)

Sweet frame with pictures that Paula, Haley, and Michael made. LOVE IT!!

Now I'll move on from his birthday!