Thursday, August 25, 2011

11 Months

My baby is 11 months & I can't believe it!! He is so much fun and always learning new things.

At 11 months:

Becoming less attached to Mommy :(

Drinks really good from a sippy cup

Sleeps until 6:30 sometimes 7:30

Still 2 naps w/ the afternoon nap only being about 1 1/2 hours

Eats A LOT at meals, but not a snacker

Claps more than one time

Blows kisses

Still loves to make "sneaky face"


Trying to say a few words... Dada, ball

Still just walking with the help of toys

Tooth #3 coming...hoping #4 isn't far behind so he isn't snaggle

Becoming a stinker...looks and laughs when doing something he knows he not supposed to do

Still a very easy, fun little boy

We almost have a one year old!! :(

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