Wednesday, August 3, 2011

10 Months

One and half weeks late...our little boy is growing soooo fast. He does something new everyday, and I can't get enough!!

At 10 months:

21 lbs. 8 oz.

Sleeping at least from 8 to 6

Finished with morning bottle -- so down to 2 bottles a day

Claps (one time every time)

Blows kisses (puts hand to mouth)

Sings on command (loves to sing, still)

Still a momma's boy -- LOVE IT

Throws balls usually with his left hand

Tries to catch the ball

Smacks mouth to let us know he is hungry

Mostly on whole milk -- just finishing the formula we have

Starting to show some attitude

Favorite toys: Little plastic frogs

Likes to wrestle

Still a very good natured-easy baby

Sam is so fun right now! He picks up on new games really quickly, and I think he is going to be a very silly little boy. Can't wait!!

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