Thursday, August 25, 2011

Playtime with Emery

Emery came to play today, and we had so much fun. She is so sweet and easy!

I couldn't get them to look at the camera.

The three amigos...we are wondering if Sam thinks he has 2 big sisters :) So glad we live so close!!!!!

11 Months

My baby is 11 months & I can't believe it!! He is so much fun and always learning new things.

At 11 months:

Becoming less attached to Mommy :(

Drinks really good from a sippy cup

Sleeps until 6:30 sometimes 7:30

Still 2 naps w/ the afternoon nap only being about 1 1/2 hours

Eats A LOT at meals, but not a snacker

Claps more than one time

Blows kisses

Still loves to make "sneaky face"


Trying to say a few words... Dada, ball

Still just walking with the help of toys

Tooth #3 coming...hoping #4 isn't far behind so he isn't snaggle

Becoming a stinker...looks and laughs when doing something he knows he not supposed to do

Still a very easy, fun little boy

We almost have a one year old!! :(


Here are some random shots from the last couple of weeks.

This is Sam's mug shot. I was trying to get a profile picture, and I think this one is hilarious because he looks so serious. :)

Loving some watermelon from Grandaddy.

Sam loves playing on the couch, and this time he wanted every one of his toys up there with him.

About to hurl something--typical!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Are we ready for this?

Yesterday, someone decided he was ready to...

WALK (with a little help)

He hasn't been extremely interested in walking, taking one or two steps with a toy, but never more than that. Yesterday he walked all around the den and down the hall.

And I forgot to mention on his 10 month post that he loves to do "sneaky face." This was his smile yesterday for the camera. Another thing I forgot on the 10 month post is that another favorite "toy" is any door that he can push and pull.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

10 Months

One and half weeks late...our little boy is growing soooo fast. He does something new everyday, and I can't get enough!!

At 10 months:

21 lbs. 8 oz.

Sleeping at least from 8 to 6

Finished with morning bottle -- so down to 2 bottles a day

Claps (one time every time)

Blows kisses (puts hand to mouth)

Sings on command (loves to sing, still)

Still a momma's boy -- LOVE IT

Throws balls usually with his left hand

Tries to catch the ball

Smacks mouth to let us know he is hungry

Mostly on whole milk -- just finishing the formula we have

Starting to show some attitude

Favorite toys: Little plastic frogs

Likes to wrestle

Still a very good natured-easy baby

Sam is so fun right now! He picks up on new games really quickly, and I think he is going to be a very silly little boy. Can't wait!!

Summer Fun!!

We have had a very fun summer this year! Of course, it has been different from any other since we have a fun little boy to enjoy it with. Here are some pictures that show some of our fun. As we all know I am not the best at taking pictures so I have missed some things, but that doesn't mean we haven't had a wonderful summer.

John Houston and Sam at Pops and Mimmy's pool.

We have spent A LOT of time at the pool!! This was on the 4th of July.

Oh the fun of feeding yourself!

This is what Sam does when Daddy is shaving.

He found his tongue :)

We have a silly boy that makes us laugh everyday.