Friday, January 14, 2011


We had a wonderful Christmas this year! Of course it was fun because it was Sam's first. It was funny because Christmas morning Sam woke up the most hyper he has ever woken up. We think he knew Santa had come! :)

Santa went light on the presents while he could :)

He is really concentrating making sure he gets everything down in there.

Mickey ornament

Pajamas! How exciting! :)

Daddy got an Alabama ornament.
We got a new dining room table from each other and both sets of our parents. SO EXCITED!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Sam's first Christmas was a WHITE one!

Family of 3

After we opened our presents from Santa, we headed over to Mimmy and Pops' house for Christmas breakfast. We had a feast! The girls all make a dish, but Mimmy works really hard to make an incredible breakfast!!

The five cousins

Pops reading a Bible story.
Mimmy got a picture of all her kids and grandkids. Unfortunately, you can't see from this picture, but the best picture to give her has Sam screaming his head off. Lovely.

We have no pictures of Sam opening gifts at Pops and Mimmy's b/c he decided to sleep through the whole process, even with four other kids screaming and yelling :)
After Christmas with my side we headed to Huntsville.
Grandmerry and Grandaddy opening their stockings.

Sam got a lullaby cd in his stocking.

Sorry this is a bit blurry, but Sam is in his stocking. :)

I got a mini deep fryer from Michael and Beth, and I can't wait to try it!

Sam got a wagon from Grandmerry and Grandaddy. I see lots of rides in our future...

Or now.

Aunt Patti always has the magic touch.

It was also a white Christmas in Huntsville.

David ready to play in the snow.

Thanks everyone for a great Christmas!!!!

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