Friday, January 14, 2011

Big Boy

Sam is getting so big, and we are enjoying every second with him.

First time in the high chair.

Just relaxing in the bed

As you can see in the picture the child has really started to drool!
In his 3 month post I said he was sleeping 8 hours some. Well, that was a mistake because the last 10 or so nights have NOT been good. He started waking up around 1 to 4 and would not go back to sleep for around 2 1/2 or 3 hours. It is not fun to be up that long in the middle of the night. Since he had been waking up around 5 or 6 to eat, all we could figure was he was having a growth spurt and getting hungry earlier. So...
we have started rice cereal, and he loves it. By the end of his first bowl he was following the spoon from the bowl to his mouth, opening his mouth waiting and complaining when it wasn't fast enough. I think he is going to like eating more things. And it is helping some with the sleep.

Can't wait to try more foods!

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