Friday, January 28, 2011

Food with Flavor!

Yesterday, we started baby food! I can't believe we are already at this stage. Sam is getting so big, and I would prefer if he would slow down on the whole growing up thing. :) Anyway, yesterday he had garden vegetables, which he didn't mind. This morning we tried bananas and pears. He is not a fan of either yet. He actually spit some back at me. But not to worry we will definitely keep trying. :)

Not very excited about eating bananas!

4 Month Stats

Sam went to the doctor yesterday for his 4 month check-up. Everything went well. He had his ears checked for the first time, and he didn't really appreciate them looking in them. He also got two more shots that he didn't like.

At 4 months:
15.4 lbs. (59%)
25.75 in. (78%)
Here are a few pictures of Sam's new trick. He is starting to be able to sit without support for several seconds. These pictures are of his best attempt yet; I bet he went almost a minute.

Monday, January 24, 2011

4 Months

Sam is 4 months today! My how the time flies. He is so much fun, and I think he is going to be a busy little boy.

This is his new smile. He likes to smile and talk with his lower lip pulled in.

At 4 months:
Likes rice cereal
Started growling
Can sit up by himself for a short time
Still getting up at 2 and 3 in the morning sometimes to eat
Finally for the last week or so he is going to sleep on his own at night
Still does not like to take naps in his bed
Still likes to smile
Sam is still a sweet and pretty easy going baby. He goes to the dr. Thursday for his 4 month, so stats to come...

Eating Rice Cereal

Sam doesn't think I feed him fast enough, so he has started sitting up to get to the rice cereal faster.

Helping Daddy on the Computer

Friday, January 14, 2011

Around the House

Tummy time

Hanging out with my pals Donald, Pluto, and Goofy

We had to capture this moment because it is so rare -- Sam was so tired he was letting David hold him in this cradle position. Usually he tries to sit up.

Big Boy

Sam is getting so big, and we are enjoying every second with him.

First time in the high chair.

Just relaxing in the bed

As you can see in the picture the child has really started to drool!
In his 3 month post I said he was sleeping 8 hours some. Well, that was a mistake because the last 10 or so nights have NOT been good. He started waking up around 1 to 4 and would not go back to sleep for around 2 1/2 or 3 hours. It is not fun to be up that long in the middle of the night. Since he had been waking up around 5 or 6 to eat, all we could figure was he was having a growth spurt and getting hungry earlier. So...
we have started rice cereal, and he loves it. By the end of his first bowl he was following the spoon from the bowl to his mouth, opening his mouth waiting and complaining when it wasn't fast enough. I think he is going to like eating more things. And it is helping some with the sleep.

Can't wait to try more foods!

Very Late Post

Before Christmas we had a playdate with John Houston. Here are the sweet buddies.


We had a wonderful Christmas this year! Of course it was fun because it was Sam's first. It was funny because Christmas morning Sam woke up the most hyper he has ever woken up. We think he knew Santa had come! :)

Santa went light on the presents while he could :)

He is really concentrating making sure he gets everything down in there.

Mickey ornament

Pajamas! How exciting! :)

Daddy got an Alabama ornament.
We got a new dining room table from each other and both sets of our parents. SO EXCITED!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Sam's first Christmas was a WHITE one!

Family of 3

After we opened our presents from Santa, we headed over to Mimmy and Pops' house for Christmas breakfast. We had a feast! The girls all make a dish, but Mimmy works really hard to make an incredible breakfast!!

The five cousins

Pops reading a Bible story.
Mimmy got a picture of all her kids and grandkids. Unfortunately, you can't see from this picture, but the best picture to give her has Sam screaming his head off. Lovely.

We have no pictures of Sam opening gifts at Pops and Mimmy's b/c he decided to sleep through the whole process, even with four other kids screaming and yelling :)
After Christmas with my side we headed to Huntsville.
Grandmerry and Grandaddy opening their stockings.

Sam got a lullaby cd in his stocking.

Sorry this is a bit blurry, but Sam is in his stocking. :)

I got a mini deep fryer from Michael and Beth, and I can't wait to try it!

Sam got a wagon from Grandmerry and Grandaddy. I see lots of rides in our future...

Or now.

Aunt Patti always has the magic touch.

It was also a white Christmas in Huntsville.

David ready to play in the snow.

Thanks everyone for a great Christmas!!!!