Saturday, July 24, 2010

Huntsville Baby Shower

This past weekend we had our first baby shower. David's family was so sweet to give us one, and these ladies really went above and beyond. If you know me, you know I love cute food! That may sound funny, but I like good food that is decorated or presented in a cute or pretty way. So below you will see what I mean by I LOVED the food. Anyway, we got lots of great things for Sam from David's family and sweet Maysville C of C family. Thank you all for everything!

I couldn't reach my toes, so my sweet husband did a fabulous job painting my toenails. :)

Aunt Beth really outdid herself for the shower. Thanks Michael and Beth for hosting the shower at your house. This is the cute jungle themed diaper cake she made.

Adorable onesie cake, also by Aunt Beth.

Above and below are the cute cookies Beth made.

Jungle themed, chocolate covered oreos. Guess who made them? That's right, Beth! I think Beth and I could have many hours of fun making desserts.

How cute is this? Aunt Paula made this cute baby carriage for the fruit. LOVE IT! This was all the baby themed food, but don't be fooled, all of the ladies made tons of delicious food. We had chicken salad, dips, and even coffee punch.

All the wonderful hostesses! Thank you!! I guess David is getting embarrassed by how big I am getting since he didn't really mention that you couldn't see me. :) Oh well.

Thanks everyone! We know Sam is going to be loved!

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