Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Lilly has been eating baby food for over a month, but I am pretty sure she wants the real thing!  Whenever someone is eating around her, she stares at them and the food the entire time they eat it.  She has eaten real bites of orange and banana.  Tonight she was crying and getting mad between bites of banana because I apparently wasn't giving it fast enough.  Didn't realize she had learned how to chew so quickly. :)  These first pictures are from this afternoon when Lilly and Owen were having a face-off.

Owen eying the target.

Lilly with the slight advantage with the target closer.

Pretty sure neither of them got it :)

Mimmy with #6 and #7 -- can you tell the babies like their orange foods by their noses?

First time in her booster--second time to play with a sippy cup

Apparently the flash was too bright, so he said :)

Eating puffs for the first time.  This looks like she liked them...she made a funny face every time they went in her mouth.

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