Thursday, February 27, 2014

Las Palmas...

Liking Mexican food is a must in this family, and Lilly definitely does!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

6 Months!!

Where does the time go?  I can't believe Lilly is half a year old :( 

At 6 months:

16 pounds
26.5 inches 
(both measurements really taken at almost 7 months at Doctor's appt.)
Still only roll from belly to back - have done the other way one time
Sits up pretty good - still needs a pillow behind
Likes table food better, but not much into eating period
Not sleeping through night - gets up about 2 times still
(Mommy needs to let her cry :)
Starting to get pretty attached to Mommy - here we go again :)
Likes to scream for the fun of it

This is a really fun age, but I wish that time would slow down!

We can now wear a real bow! Yes it is clipped in her hair!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Roll Tide Hat and Uno...we needed a fresh game :)

Lilly got a swimsuit!
I am pretty excited: David is getting the house cleaned for me!!  WooHoo!  I think that means I am old when I get this excited about a house cleaning :)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fun at Home

Here are some fun things that Sam likes to do at home:

Take pictures
Play cars...we spend a lot of time moving these cars.  He likes to move the front one about an inch or two and then move the rest behind it up one at a time :) 
Then we move them to his garage one at a time...a very specific way :)  These games take patience...mainly from the adult :)
And play Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders!

Lilly is playing a lot on the floor now, too.

Brother coming to play!

She decided to eat a cucumber for supper :)

She really is trying to be big!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Big Girl!!

Somebody rode in the stroller today to get ready for Disney!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Random Pictures

This are some pictures from back in January!

Sweet big brother!

Getting a bath

Sweet cousins!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Lilly has been eating baby food for over a month, but I am pretty sure she wants the real thing!  Whenever someone is eating around her, she stares at them and the food the entire time they eat it.  She has eaten real bites of orange and banana.  Tonight she was crying and getting mad between bites of banana because I apparently wasn't giving it fast enough.  Didn't realize she had learned how to chew so quickly. :)  These first pictures are from this afternoon when Lilly and Owen were having a face-off.

Owen eying the target.

Lilly with the slight advantage with the target closer.

Pretty sure neither of them got it :)

Mimmy with #6 and #7 -- can you tell the babies like their orange foods by their noses?

First time in her booster--second time to play with a sippy cup

Apparently the flash was too bright, so he said :)

Eating puffs for the first time.  This looks like she liked them...she made a funny face every time they went in her mouth.