Friday, February 10, 2012


These are some random pictures from the last few weeks. I am trying to do better about keeping up with the blog, but it hasn't happened so far!

Eating a taco like an actual taco, not just the insides :)


Lizard face

Maddie Leigh and I went to get our hair cut together, just the 2 of us.

Big girl in the chair... didn't get an after shot :(

Decked out in his rain gear, and doing "Yes, sir" hand motion...still working on opening the hand and getting it up to the forehead :)

Watching golf very closely...never realized how long they took between shots until Sam says, "uu uuu uuuu" waiting for the next shot.

"Whoa, good shot!"

And this is how I found him this afternoon after he stopped crying and went to sleep. Look comfy to you? Yes, I moved him!

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious he fell asleep like that! Bet his face was totally numb after that! haha
