Tuesday, December 6, 2011

November in Review

We had a fun November because Sam started walking during the week before Thanksgiving. He has been walking for a long time holding someone's hand, but he finally decided that it was time to let go. :) Now he tries to run, and I see some accidents in our future. :(

This was after the Preschool hayride at church. I forgot to take any pictures during the event, but he looked so little walking in the big parking lot, so I took this picture.

Night Night. He likes to pretend to be asleep. I'm not sure either one of them would be comfortable all night like this. :)

Big Boy!!

I know this is fuzzy, but I thought his face was funny.

We had a playdate with Noland and Emery. It was more enjoyable being at Julie's house instead of wrestling them all in a restaraunt. Thanks Julie and Emery for letting us come over!

Noland, Sam, and Emery

Helping Daddy pick up leaves.

He loves putting anything into any kind of container.

Watching Mickey in his big boy chair.

And his first fat lip. Yes, I know he naturally has full lips, but his upper lip is not always this big!

Please disregard his nose!

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