Tuesday, July 5, 2011

9 Months

I really dropped the ball on this one, but Sam turned 9 months on June 24th. We celebrated at the beach, so those pictures will be coming in a later post. Anyway, because we were at the beach his 9 month checkup was a little before the actual day, and the pictures with Jeffrey the Bear were about a week after.


Weight: 20.8 lbs. (57%)

Length: 29 inches (77%)

At 9 months:

2 teeth

Crawling everywhere

Still very attached to Mommy

We think "Nonna" is "Momma"

Said "Dada" when looking at David (once but we are counting it:)

Learned how to spit out food

Can bite big pieces of food from his own hand

Sleeping (usually) from 8ish to 5 o'clock hour for bottle, then usually back to sleep

First time to the beach

So far pretty good at moving onto something else after being told "No" (after he laughs)

Still a very easy, happy boy

Since he has turned 9 months: (since I am late posting this)

Pulling up on everything

Can feed himself (even the small things)

Plays games

Everyday is so much fun!!

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