Today he took one "crawling" step (might of done more, but Mimmy and I cheered, which distracted him and upset him because it was too loud)
Eats a lot -- anything we put in his mouth
Couldn't care less for daytime bottles
Crinkles his nose when he smiles
Hates the nursery
Still pretty attached to his mommy
Doesn't like getting his diaper changed
Doesn't like getting dressed
Still no teeth
Very cuddly
Gives hugs and kisses
Plays peekaboo
Does not like being in a room by himself
Sleeping great -- 8:30 to 7ish
We put up the jumparoo the other day. He loved it for a little while, and it was hilarious to watch. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to jump without spinning, so he doesn't get very excited when we put him in it anymore.