Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dr. Visit

We went to the doctor last week for Sam's 6 month check-up. He was funny because when the nurse and Dr. Forbess checked his vitals he laid perfectly still; I guess hoping they might go away. :) Anyway, here are his stats:

Weight: 19 pounds 1 ounce (72%)

Length: 27.75 inches (85%)

Before we went to the Dr., we noticed Sam kept swatting at his right ear, but he never fussed, stopped eating, or ran a fever. But, unfortunately, he had his first ear infection, so he has been on medicine. He has done really well taking it once he realized he didn't have a choice. One more note about the doctor. I told the doctor he wasn't making any consonant sounds b/c the sheet at the doctor said he might be, but Dr. Forbess said that was fine. But the night of his appointment, I guess he didn't like me telling on him because he started saying da-da-da-da-da. He loves talking! He has also started patting, and we are working on waving bye-bye. We'll see how long it takes him to catch on. :)

He works really hard with all of his toys. Instead of playing with them, he would rather turn them over and look at the bottom or back of them where there is nothing to see.

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