Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break

Well, guess where we went for Spring Break this year. Your right! Disney World!! This was Sam's first time to stay in Fort Wilderness, and he really liked being outside so much. Unfortunately, David did not get to go with us. Because David didn't go I didn't take as many pictures as I should have. He is the photographer, so I had to steal some of these pictures from Jenny. :)

Chef Mickey

First wagon ride. I just kind of put him in there to see how he would do, not thinking I would actually be able to take him on a ride. He did great!!

Macey and Sam

Brady and Sam--Brady would have ridden all week in that wagon with Sam if we had let him :)

Fun playing outside. We had perfect weather.

Getting his helmet on for his first bike ride.

Here he comes...

Sam looked so little in the trailer. This was the only bike fun he had all week.

First time at the pool. He just splashed a little.

Do you notice anything at his feet?


Sweet cousins

Epcot day

This was for me :)

Sam, Tori, Brady, Madison, and Macey

Sam and Maddie Leigh

Sam and Macey Kate

Nae Nae and Sam

All the kiddos

First ever airplane ride--he took his bottle at take off and slept until we got off the plane

Jenny and the girls flew with us

Excited to be home!!

Is that really my Daddy standing there? This was Sam's reaction when he saw David at the airport.

We had another great trip to Disney!! It is getting more and more crazy with each trip, but it is so much fun. Thanks Pops and Mimmy!

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