Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Random Pictures

These are a few pictures I got from Natalie's camera. These are when Sam was several weeks old. He has already grown so much! We are so blessed to have family that lives so close. The cousins love to play together. However, in these pictures Sam isn't quite sure what to think of his cousins. Look at his face :)

That's better; Mimmy saved me from those little rascals.

We have done this A LOT the last 3 months! I love it!

Sam will be on this couch soon sitting with the rest. I am sure they are watching some sort of Disney movie. Whatever it is Brady likes it, but Macey doesn't look thrilled. And I think Tori is playing dress up. She hasn't started wearing tube tops yet that I am aware of. :) Also, you are seeing a rare sight. #1 only one child in Mimmy's lap #2 Madison in Mimmy's lap - Madison is so good she usually gives up trying to get in Mimmy's lap b/c her sister is a Mimmy hog. I had to put that in there b/c I have been giving Macey a hard time about it. You'll love me for this later Mace. Hey, maybe that is why she doesn't look happy!

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