Wednesday, October 13, 2010

September 24, 2010

Sorry for the delay! I am trying to get back to the land of the living. :) We are all doing great, and David and I couldn't be more excited. So far Sam has been a very good baby. I'll let the pictures do the talking.
One last belly shot
(Can you tell it is about 5 am from looking at my eyes?)
Are we really about to be parents?

Mom & Dad got there early to see us before

Getting ready to go back

David was excited about his attire. :)

Samuel Thomas Rosenblum

9/24/10 8:12 am

(w/ Dr. Smallwood -- the best doctor!)

8 lbs. 5 0z. --- 20 1/2 inches

First family of 3 pic

Proud Daddy! David has been great with Sam! I couldn't ask for better help :)

More to come, but at least this is a start!

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