Sunday, March 30, 2014

First Time in Sunday School

Lilly went to Sunday School for the first time Sunday.  We thought David should drop her off, since she is so attached to me, but he is teaching a class right now, so I had to.  Somehow there were not any tears!  And she made it the whole time!!  We shall see how it goes next time :)

Friday, March 28, 2014

Nennie's Nail Salon

Lilly has to go to Nennie's Nail Salon to get her nails clipped!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Stella and 7 Months

We finally got to meet Stella!  She is so cute, and we are so excited that David, Laura and Stella now live in Tennessee again!  They may be in Knoxville, but it is definitely closer than California :)

Lilly and Stella

We were showing Stella what bow she should get to stay in her hair.  Lilly doesn't usually wear a bow with her pj's, but I do like the look :)

I got home from the grocery the Saturday after Disney at about 10:30, and this is how I found Sam.  I guess he was still catching up from the trip!!

At 7 months:
Sits up pretty well
Very attached to Mommy
No bottle
Still 2 teeth
Still working on sleeping through night

Not sure why she has scary bright eyes!

Sam wants his picture taken, too.

They love each other :)