Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012

We had a really fun Christmas this year.  Sam was definitely more into the presents than he was last year!  We started at our house with Santa presents, continued with breakfast and presents at Mimmy and Pops, and then headed to Huntsville for more fun.  The day was made more fun by Sam's announcement to both sides of "Mommy Baby".  He isn't the best with words, but after a couple of times everyone got it. :)

Cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer. (Christmas Eve)

Walking in to Santa's gifts Christmas morning

Having a hard time getting things out of his Pooh stocking
I think he was still trying to wake up :)

His big gift from Santa this year was a bike!

Breakfast at Pops and Mimmy's house

Tori, Brady, Sam, Madison, and Macey

Mr. Potato Head from the Churches

Thumbs up for a Mickey Train from Pops and Mimmy

Legos from the Hunters

Christmas afternoon we headed for Huntsville and had Christmas with Grandmerry's family that night.  Then the festivities continued at Great Grandaddy and Grandmomma's house the next day.  Needless to say, Sam came away with quite a few new things. :)

Working on his new cash register

Christmas with Grandaddy, Grandmerry, Michael and Beth

More gifts at Great Grandaddy and Grandmomma's

We had a wonderful Christmas and were so blessed to be able to spend it with family!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Program

Unfortunately, Sam had RSV at the end of the semester, so he missed his first ever program at school. :(
We got to stay in for 10 days, but he was a trooper, and luckily it only seemed like he had a normal cold.  But we were sad to miss his Christmas program and Christmas party at school.  Hopefully, we will make the Spring program.  Below are some pictures of the twins and Brady at the program.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas fun at Mimmy's

One day before Christmas we decorated cookies and ornaments at Mimmy's house.  Sam wasn't so sure about the whole thing until he tried it, and then he got really into it. 

I think Sam was still not wanting to participate, so I did instead :)
 We of course opted to make Disney cookies instead of Christmas :)

Tori hard at work



Sam thinking about helping

Madison with a finished Pooh
Now he's ready

After we did cookies and took a break, we painted some homemade ornaments.  We made hand print Santas and other shapes to put on our trees, including some Disney characters again!

Sam really had fun painting!

He was concentrating very hard.
I think the kids had a fun time, and this will probably start being a yearly activity!

6 and 60 Party for Tori and Pops

Since Dad turned 60 on December 9 and Tori turned 6 on December 5 this year, Mom had the great idea of throwing a "party" to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis.  She did a fabulous job coming up with the party and following it through.  The idea was to give $6 or $60 or whatever you could to support funding a cure for Cystic Fibrosis, all in lieu of gifts for their birthdays.  Mom, of course, was nervous that it wouldn't turn out, but we had a good time, and we can't thank everyone enough for their generosity.  We were overwhelmed with the turnout and response from even those that couldn't make it to the party.   Over all, $10,000 was raised!!

Sam going to see KayKay

Natalie had activities for the kids and David to work on :)

Dad got to see and talk to some people he hadn't seen in a while.

Mom and Keith thinking they are pretty funny :)
Tori with her buddies the Floyds.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and generosity!