Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is not a good start!

Well, so far I am not too good at blogging, but hopefully I will get better once the baby is here. We went to the doctor last Friday, and everything looked good. I am almost 18 weeks, so we will get to find out the gender our next appointment, which is May 14!!! Neither David nor I have a gut feeling about what it is, but the poll Mom is taking is favoring boy. It won't be long before we know for sure! :)
This is a picture at 14 weeks.

It could be a long summer since the cankles have already started! That is a strap indention on my foot from my flip flops.

We have been trying to get some things done around the house. I will try to put some "before and after" pictures of what we have done so far on the blog soon.